Whether you have ever suffered from a yeast infection or not, you’re probably aware of at least a few of the symptoms. They’re not pleasant and can really cause problems in women, as well as men. It is important to know the symptoms to this illness so you’ll be able to tell if you’re suffering from one.
Here are some of the most common symptoms of a yeast infection, or Candida infection, which is a medical term that is often used.
- Discharge, which is usually thick or white and may be clumpy
- Genital itching
- Burning sensation
- Irritation
- Swelling or redness in genitals
- Rash
- Painful urination
Is It Serious?
If you have any of these symptoms, there is no cause for alarm right away. They could be symptoms of something else, like an allergic reaction or sensitivity to something you have been using or wearing.
Furthermore, many yeast infections will clear up without treatment within a few days. They don’t require a doctor’s visit and you can buy remedies over the counter to control the itching and irritation.
However, if you are concerned because you have any of these symptoms, or additional symptoms in a private area, you may want to consult with your doctor. They may be able to give you a better understanding of what is going on so you can quiet your fears.
A yeast infection is more likely to occur in women shortly before their periods. If you have any pre-existing conditions or are pregnant, you should always consult with your doctor first so that you don’t have to worry about compromising your health.
Symptoms in Men
Contrary to popular belief, men can contract yeast infections too, although they are quite different.
Symptoms include painful urination and redness of the penis. There may be itching or burning in the genitals as well. However, it’s not a sexually transmitted infection. It’s not a given that a man who has intercourse with a woman suffering from a yeast infection will also contract it, but it is possible.
There’s no shortage of remedies to treat yeast infections, even if someone gets them quite often. There are dozens of creams that can be purchased in any drugstore to provide relief. There are also prescriptions that a doctor can give you that’ll help treat the symptoms of a yeast infection.
Most infections may go away after a few days or shortly after you treat them. It’s very rare that they will be persistent or stick around, but if they do, you should seek professional help to get to the root of the problem.
If you are looking for a more natural treatment, there are many of them out there as well. One that is well-respected is Yeast Infection No More, which is a book that has a simple 5-step program to rid yourself of yeast infections for good.
What You Can Do
Yeast infections are caused by too much yeast being produced in the body and there are many reasons why this may occur. To lessen your chances of getting an infection, there are a few things you can do.
The best thing you can do is to eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet will help you maintain your weight or lose weight, so that you won’t be filling your plate with unworthy foods. This will also help you feel your best and be able to fight different illnesses.
Besides that, you should exercise regularly. The recommended amount of exercise is 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week. This is easy to accomplish and it can go a long way in improving your health as well as burning off some stress and anxiety. It may even be able to help you sleep better.
It is also beneficial to practice good hygiene. Make sure you are wearing clean clothes and undergarments, and keeping your body clean. This may be able to prevent rashes or infections from spreading or getting out of hand.
Other Things to Remember
Some yeast infections can occur through the use of antibiotic or other types of pills. That’s why it’s important to use antibiotics with caution and not too frequently. You may even want to make sure you take a multivitamin daily or monitor your Vitamin C intake. This can help you fight infections or bugs and could keep you from getting a cold or flu. Another thing is always be aware of the side effects that a drug you take may cause. For instance, oral birth control and steroids are pills that can increase the chances of this type of infection, so if you take either of those types of prescriptions, you may want to be on alert.
The symptoms associated with a yeast infection are frustrating, no matter if you are a man or woman. The good news is that they can be easily treated in a few different ways.
It isn’t hard to get your hands on some immediate relief, and you can even ask your physician for something if you have a severe infection. In fact, consulting with your doctor can help you ascertain what the underlying cause might be or if your infection is outside of the norm.
On the flip side, you don’t have to visit your doctor if you don’t want to. Many people may be embarrassed or think that they did something wrong when they are suffering from these symptoms. It is widely known that some of the symptoms mimic those of STDs, so patients may be quite ashamed to seek treatment.
As a general rule, the symptoms can clear up rather quickly and are not all that serious unless they stick around. Changes in your diet, getting enough exercise and looking at pills you take can lessen your risk for further yeast infections. Moreover, there are natural cures out there, like at www.yeastinfectionnomore.com, which can offer you help and prevent the infections from ever coming back.